I received my bachelor’s studies in Indonesia in industrial engineering, which was my passion. First, I had no plan to take up master’s studies after graduating, but after I ended up working in a bank, which was looking for credit analysts to work with industries, I decided to continue my studies in master’s level in banking to increase my professional skills in the banking field.

I had subscribed to scholarships websites and used to receive daily e-mails about scholarship opportunities around the world. I applied for Khazar University scholarships and luckily, I got 100% tuition waiver, which enabled me to come and study in Azerbaijan. I am studying MBA in Banking currently.

What does it feel like to study at Khazar?

The biggest advantage of studying MBA in Khazar University is that most of the lecturers are coming from industries, they are currently working in different sectors of banking, which enables us to receive hands-on knowledge from real industry professionals. It also has a drawback of course: they are not in the university all the time, so it is a bit hard to reach them physically through the whole week.

I had no idea before about the economy of post-communist area, economic depression, and macroeconomic situation here. I am currently learning the mentioned matters here and it is very interesting for me. I especially like international finance classes as the topics it is dealing with are quite new for me.

It is fun indeed to learn new knowledge in the field you like and apply it into a practice. I have even become passionate about research. I recently submitted my paper to be published in Indonesia about the effect of financial ratio on the probability of default. I have already received feedback before publication and is currently working on revisions.   For more accessibility of research, it would be better if the university had a bigger library and richer electronic research database access.

Khazar University also gives students a chance to participate in exchange programs and spend a part of their studies in a different country. I participated in Mevlana exchange program and spent a semester in Turkey, in Chukurova University. It is a good university with high experience of teaching and research. Biggest difference between Chukurova and Khazar is that there are more full-time professors there than in Khazar which is both good and bad from various aspects. It is good that the lecturers are available full-time, but on the other hand, from the aspect of receiving hands-on knowledge from real industry workers, it is not very beneficial.

What is living in Azerbaijan like?

Azerbaijan is a nice country and easily adaptable. There is a language barrier sometimes, but generally, it is a cozy country where you adapt easily. If you also like travelling like I do, then I would recommend Azerbaijan, because it has beautiful places to see and rest. I have travelled to many parts of Azerbaijan, from Sumgayit to Zaqatala and Qazax. I travelled to Qazax by the advice of my friend, who is from there and happy that I listened to him. Qazax is just beautiful with its green hills and stunning nature.

As I already mentioned, I have spent one semester in Turkey. I travelled through Turkey as well, been to more than 20 cities. Well, I think I need a separate blogpost about all my travel experiences 😊

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