Khazar University
Internationalization Strategy
Founder’s welcome note
The Khazar University motto of “always leading the way” has a long history. Its conceptual blueprint was developed by defining its own character and based on the experience of the foremost higher education institutions of Europe and America. When the university opened its doors in early 1991, it became the first private university in the (Soviet) Republic of Azerbaijan, and in fact, in the entire former Soviet Union.
One of the distinguishing features of Khazar that sets it apart from its peer universities in Azerbaijan is its commitment to use English as the medium of instruction, preparing alumni to keep up with cutting edge developments in their fields as they go out into a rapidly globalizing world.
Khazar is more than just a university. It offers a life-long learning education, from preschool, primary and secondary school (via its affiliate “Dunya” School) all the way to PhD and post-doctorate studies. And even beyond being an educational institution, Khazar has created an environment that nourishes people’s love of knowledge and culture, whetting their desire to work and learn. Its atmosphere is a magnet attracting scholars and students to the joy of challenge and discovery.
Khazar has always been committed to academic freedom. It places a strong emphasis on international partnerships and programs, regularly participating in exchanges of students, scholars and instructors with universities around the world. The university also strives to cultivate a rich cultural life, encouraging the expression of both Azerbaijani and international traditions, values, and arts.
Hamlet Isaxanli
Khazar University Founder
Chairman of Board of Directors and Trustees
Khazar University is very committed to the enhancement of its global presence. Khazar is providing an exceptional, student-centered university education for undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate level of studies.
The vision of the university is to become a world-class higher education institution, recognized for its excellence in education and research, as well as a wide-ranging partnership with the stakeholders on national and international levels.
Internationalization strategy of the university is deemed from the general strategy which aims to prepare students for global world. Internationalization provides the university with many opportunities to improve the quality of education and institutional reputation, to increase competitiveness, to contribute to the quality of research and brings financial benefits.
Internationalization is also a prerequisite for ensuring the sustainability and quality of teaching and research at the university. Cultivating a network of international relations allows Khazar University to boost the mobility of its staff and students, and to make the unique educational and research opportunities of Azerbaijan available to students and faculty abroad. Fostering international student and staff mobility is among internationalization priorities of Khazar University. Internationalization of students and staff expands the capacity of participants by receiving an opportunity
- To gain first-hand experience in education and business environment, share with and learn from each other.
- To foster research and develop research projects of mutual benefit and interest.
- To create opportunities for intercultural understanding and dialogue, sharing of cultural experience.
- To establish long-term close individual and institutional connections which usually serve as a strong foundation for future projects and initiatives.
International History
The geography of Khazar’s international linkages covers North America, Asia and Europe. Internationalization at Khazar University started right at its inception when project agreement was signed with the University of California in Los Angeles in 1992 with the support of US State Department. Strong international networking and academic relations have been developing under the framework of various international partnerships and development programs. At various stages of its development, Khazar University has focused on specific subject areas to gain successful experience and promote Khazar programs’ sustainability. The various fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, Education, Political Science and International Relations, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Business Administration, and Management have been given priority, so that academic programs in these fields have benefitted most from international affiliations.
Large number of Erasmus Mundus Credit Mobility Projects, and ERASMUS+ Capacity Building projects and many others open new opportunities for making improvements in curriculum development, personnel development, university-industry relations, quality assurance reviews, laboratory development, international linkages, and other initiatives.
Khazar’s international reputation and close involvement in local and regional reforms qualifies it to take leading positions in global rankings. According to the QS World University Rankings 2017, Khazar University was placed in the 701-750 tier of the world’s best universities and was ranked number 1 university in Azerbaijan. EDUNIVERSAL Ranking 2017 Placed 2 Khazar University graduate programs among the best 10 in the region of Eurasia and the Middle East: MBA in Management; MBA in International Economics. EDUNIVERSAL Business Schools Ranking 2017, School of Economics and Management is among the top 1000 best Business Schools across 154 countries.
Key outcomes
In pursuing the goal of internationalization, we seek to achieve the following outcomes:
- Internationalization of the student population
- Increasing the students exchange programmes
- Merit based scholarship program
- Increasing the number of KA1 projects to meet the needs of larger population of students
- Internationalization of Research Cooperation
- Increasing International Publications
- Increasing International Conferences
- Increasing participation in international conferences
- Start participating in Horizon Europe
- Internationalization of Curriculum
- Renewing the curriculum for embedding the latest European standards (mobility, complimentary skill development etc)
- Increasing the number of ERASMUS+ KA 2 projects to improve curriculum development
- Internationalization of the staff population
- Increasing staff mobility
- Increasing incoming staff exchange
- Developing staff mobility recognition and reward program
- Increasing the number of KA2 projects contributing to the university management system
International Strength
- English as the main language of instruction
- Curricula based on Western educational models
- Student-centered credit-based system
- Wide choice of language courses
- Active participation in ERASMUS+ projects
- Merit-based Scholarship Program
- First university in Azerbaijan to receive an international project (1992)
- Experienced in managing multinational educational projects