ERASMUS PLUS Exchange Opportunities!

Do you want to study a semester or a year abroad, meet new friends and learn about other cultures? Then apply to Erasmus Plus Programme!


Bachelor and master students who:
• Are enrolled in a Khazar University undergraduate/graduate degree program at the time of application
• Have completed at least the first year of their studies at Khazar University 
• Have a cumulative GPA of 85 or higher
• Have no disciplinary sanctions within the past 6 months

PhD students have to:
• Be a citizen of the Azerbaijani Republic or an international student enrolled in a full-degree program at Khazar University
• Be enrolled in a Khazar University degree program at the time of application
• Have completed at least the first year of their studies
• Have English language proficiency certificate
• Have no disciplinary sanctions within the past 6 months


Fill out the application form and submit it in paper or electronically to the International Affairs Office:

Paper submission: Room#512, 5th floor, Neftchiler Campus (41 Mehseti Street)

Electronic submission:

(subject line: Erasmus Plus Application – Your First Name and Last Name)
Application Forms (electronic and paper) could be obtained from Khazar University’s website, Deans’ Offices and the International Affairs Office.


Khazar University has Erasmus+ agreements with numerous universities in countries like France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, and others. Partner-universities include:

Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

Kozminski University (Poland)

University of Timisoara (Romania)

University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Middle East Technical University (METU) (Turkey)

University of Cadiz (Spain)

Polytechnic Institute of Braganca (Portugal)

Bologna University (Italy)

Istanbul Aydin University (Turkey)

Middlesex University (UK)

Manisa Celal Bayar University (Turkey)

University of Social Sciences (Poland)


Final placement and length of mobility of each selected student are subject to availability and the decision of the Internal Selection Committee of Khazar University.